August 18, 2012 HomeChampions LeagueUEFA Champions League 2012 Final in PES6: Juventus FC vs FC Barcelona (HD 720p) UEFA Champions League 2012 Final in PES6: Juventus FC vs FC Barcelona (HD 720p) By admin Champions League 25 Comments Video Score: four / five Tags:2012, 720p, Barcelona, Champions, Final, Juventus, League, PES6, UEFA About Author admin 25 Comments KermVexe che merda di divise ha la juve? ahah August 18, 2012 NOSTROMOchetonno 2013 volevo dire August 18, 2012 NOSTROMOchetonno grande, speriamo finisca così quella del 2012 sempre forza juventus f.c August 18, 2012 kikkojuve87 krasic titolare?????? August 18, 2012 TheArsel1710 Where can i find this Patch for Pes6 ??? August 18, 2012 Cooljoza Lfhdumbgovhkgogogogkgkgkgogkghdudo Other wise shit August 18, 2012 QAlex94 che brutte divise alla juve… al barca sono identiche !!!!! August 18, 2012 daniel88121 como hiso para ponerle los parches de respet y de la uefa a los uniformes August 18, 2012 10Scrofa10 it’s so cool 🙂 August 18, 2012 Rossoblu993 PAALOOOOOOOO!! PAALOOOOOOOOOOO!!! August 18, 2012 kaikePS would be a good final between Real Madrid and Juventus August 18, 2012 FraTosten at home August 18, 2012 Florentin2011 where is messi??? August 18, 2012 miky9757 This match will be the final of 2013, not 2012 August 18, 2012 TheSchludecker i try .,,, can you help me if there are problems ? August 18, 2012 FraTosten yes of course August 18, 2012 TheSchludecker does it work on win 7 32 bit ? August 18, 2012 Luca290696 bello xD August 18, 2012 27Casy ma tu giochi sul pc? August 18, 2012 FraTosten un programma x registrare videogiochi August 18, 2012 27Casy e che cos’è? XD August 18, 2012 FraTosten fraps 🙂 August 18, 2012 27Casy Come hai fatto a registrare così bene? O: August 18, 2012 mynameisBURAS yeah pes 6 still alive in 2012 and i’m still playing it. 😀 August 18, 2012 FraTosten vai a cagare non dico altro 😉 August 18, 2012
che merda di divise ha la juve? ahah
2013 volevo dire
grande, speriamo finisca così quella del 2012
sempre forza juventus f.c
krasic titolare??????
Where can i find this Patch for Pes6 ???
Other wise shit
che brutte divise alla juve… al barca sono identiche !!!!!
como hiso para ponerle los parches de respet y de la uefa a los uniformes
it’s so cool 🙂
would be a good final between Real Madrid and Juventus
at home
where is messi???
This match will be the final of 2013, not 2012
i try .,,, can you help me if there are problems ?
yes of course
does it work on win 7 32 bit ?
bello xD
ma tu giochi sul pc?
un programma x registrare videogiochi
e che cos’è? XD
fraps 🙂
Come hai fatto a registrare così bene? O:
yeah pes 6 still alive in 2012 and i’m still playing it. 😀
vai a cagare
non dico altro 😉